Galatians 1:8 NKJV
“But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.”
Galatians 1:8 NKJV
Paul wrote a very strong letter to the Galatian believers to reject any other so-called gospel except the one revealed to Him by God.
Paul who has lived a
law-based life knows that believing in the law has made him to be the enemy of God.
He realised that no man can keep the law and live a life pleasing to the Lord.
For there are some Jews who have brought the
law-based living back into the church.
They mixed grace and law together and made another gospel. They taught believers to keep rituals and observe feasts rather than trusting in Jesus's complete work on the cross.
The gospel is the message of Christ liberating His people to live in Him and through Him.
It is to live life in Christ, to move in Him, and to abide in Him. We are not to observe and follow the rituals.
Instead, we are called to behold God and follow His Son Jesus Christ who is our Lord.
Every time we observe the law, we have nullified the works of Jesus.
Every time we embrace Jesus and His works, we have embraced God.
No one can earn righteousness.
No one can be justified by his works and no one can take credit for salvation.
It is all Jesus.
The law, the rituals, and sacrifices were needed in the old covenant but Jesus fulfilled the law, ended the rituals, and became the perfect sacrifice for eternity.
The Gospel is about believing in Jesus, believing in His complete works, and following Him.
Watch that we don’t fall into deception to go back to rituals and observing the law while Jesus is living and residing in us by the power of His Holy Spirit.
Let us continue to live in Christ. For in Him, we are complete and pleasing to the Father.
Ps Ambrose