Hebrews 11:15 NKJV
“And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return.”
Hebrews 11:15 NKJV
These people are recorded in the Book of Faith even though they did not enter into their promises.
They have such faith that they were able to pursue and wait. believe and hang on to the promises of God even though it took so long and did not come to pass.
What caused them the power to hold on till the end believing?
The scripture tells us that their mind was not filled with the things that were in their country.
These people did not fill their minds with the pleasures that were in their country.
They did not attach themselves to the tradition and the way of life in their country.
The scripture shows that if they have filled their mind with the things that are happening in their country and loved them, they would have turned back and would not stay in faith till the end.
What we put into our minds and how we attach ourselves to things is so important as it relates to how we are going to end our journey.
These people end in faith believing. We too can end in faith believing in God and never return to our past life.
What we process in our minds will open doors to make decisions for our lives. Therefore, what we process in our minds is very crucial.
If we give our minds to process God’s promises and His purposes, then we will be filled with God’s plans and will have no base to fall back to our old ways.
Let us fill our minds with the word of God, with His promises and His plans so that we can finish our race till the end.
Ps Ambrose