Isaiah 2:5 NKJV
“O house of Jacob, come and let us walk In the light of the Lord.”
Isaiah 2:5 NKJV
The Lord is calling us to walk constantly in His light. His light can help us disperse darkness and the enemy's crafty ways.
There are so many things in the world that can tempt us to conform to its pattern. The culture, the lifestyle, the way of thinking, and the philosophies.
Therefore, we need to be walking in the light of God so that we will not compromise our identity as children of God.
How do we walk in the light and what is His light?
The scripture tells us that the word of God is the light unto our path.
Scripture also shows us that Jesus is the Word that was manifested and dwelt among us.
Scripture has shown us in another part that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God. In the Word was life and it is the light of men.
Therefore, to walk in God’s light simply means to walk according to His word.
God’s light is His insight that opens up our spiritual eyes to see beyond the natural.
God’s lights cause us to see things from His perspective and according to His ways.
When we choose to believe God’s word and align our entire life accordingly, then we will be walking in the light.
His light helps us to walk in His ways and it helps us to maintain our identity in Him.
Let us walk in His glorious light.
Let each step we take be guided by His word and His Spirit.
Ps Ambrose