Acts 3:18 NKJV
But those things which God foretold by the mouth of all His prophets, that the Christ would suffer, He has thus fulfilled.
Acts 3:18 NKJV
Peter explains that this miracle they all witnessed is about the fulfilment of prophecies that God has spoken through His prophets.
Christ's sufferings and His death are to settle the payment for the freedom of mankind. This is so that today we don't have to live in our past but journey with boldness into the future in God.
Therefore, we are not to see ourselves as from the past but to see ourselves as what Christ has done and live in Him.
Every penalty and bondage that man got themselves into was paid by Jesus and He had lifted the curse.
We don't have to live life trying to be right with God but we can start living the right life we have received from God by His grace.
This is a powerful truth that liberates every person, it gives us a chance to start a new life again.
We need to celebrate the great blessings that God has given to us through His Son Jesus Christ
every day.
We can live and have our lives anchored in Jesus Christ from now till eternity. It is no longer going back to be righteous but receiving the righteousness of God.
The blessings we have today and the glorious experiences we can have is far beyond what the prophets longed for.
Let us treasure every moment of our time here on earth and share with as many as we can about this glorious life through Christ our Lord.
Ambrose Francis