Hebrews 10:23 NKJV


Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

Hebrews 10:23 NKJV

We are to hold fast the confession of our hope because God who gave the promise is faithful. God is faithful to see that His promises come to pass in our lives as we keep living in Him.

Hope comes from the promises of God and hope develops from having faith in God.

Faith gives hope and as we confess our hope, it will align our thoughts and hearts toward manifesting God's goodness.

One of the main ingredients is consistency. The word of God says without wavering.

Wavering means giving attention to other things that we should not give attention to. Like speaking doubt and unbelief towards God's word. Looking and giving attention to negative things that go against the promises of God.

We need to give attention and our focus to be set on Jesus Christ and all that He has laid for us.

Setting our mind, heart and strength on the promises of God by confessing them daily is something we as believers need to do.

Let us continue to hold fast to all that God has given to us through Christ our Lord.

Confessing and holding onto hope that all God has spoken will be manifested in and through our lives.


Ambrose Francis


Hebrews 10:26 NKJV


Genesis 37:19 NKJV