Luke 11:52 NKJV


“Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered.”

Luke 11:52 NKJV

Jesus spoke of many things in this chapter on the law, that was meant for good when observed, yet was used by the Pharisees and Sadducees to enslave people.

Then the lawyers stepped in to defend themselves of the law that they spoke of and which was their expertise. Jesus said that they knew the law and executed them the people yet they themselves cannot keep the law.

Jesus said to the lawyers that they have taken the KEY of knowledge from the people. The law was meant to bring good, mercy, kindness, hope and love. Instead, it brought condemnation, guilt and death because their heart was evil.

We thank God for good godly lawyers today who do things the right way to bring true justice according to God's grace.

God the Father sent Jesus His son to the world to unlock the truth that is hidden in the law.

He gave us the keys of the kingdom to liberate us from bondage.

Everything God has spoken is a key to freedom.

When God gave the commandment to love Him with all of our hearts, minds and strength, that is the KEY for beholding our true identity.

When God tells us to give, it is not a law but a key to open the windows of heaven, to rain down blessings.

When God gives us His grace and love, that is the key to be free from sin and condemnation.

God has given us the keys.

These keys are found in Christ Jesus.

The more we know Christ, the more we will discover the keys to unlock the doors of knowledge that brings freedom in the spirit.

Let us keep building our lives through those keys that is found in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Ambrose Francis


Acts 3:1 NKJV


Acts 8:17 NKJV