Acts 3:1 NKJV
Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.
Acts 3:1 NKJV
Peter and John have no problem following the Jewish prayer time. More likely Peter and John are using every place of opportunity to spread the gospel of Christ.
We know that Peter and John healed the lame man by the power of God. They were interrupted before going into the temple by the lame man who only wanted money.
The lame man did not ask for healing but healing was given to him by Christ's instrument, Peter and John.
There are many people out there asking, needing and wanting help but they are asking for a temporary fix. The only permanent fix is Jesus Christ our Lord.
God wants us to be open to His leading in our daily work, school or business routine to look for opportunities to give them not just what they want but what they need which is Jesus Christ.
When we have a partner to serve the Lord together, it helps in many ways to keep the mission alive.
Jesus sends the disciples out two by two when He was with them. They are many reasons why Jesus sent them two by two.
Certainly, it will help to encourage each other on the same mission and confirming what the Holy Spirit is leading them to do.
The best way to keep the mission alive is to be doing the great commission together with someone. We can remind, encourage and build momentum in each other in whatever ministries we are involved in.
Let us be encouraged to join hands with someone who would journey the great commission together with us.
So we could keep each other accountable and keep the mission alive.
Ambrose Francis