John 7:6 NKJV


Then Jesus said to them, “My time has not yet come, but your time is always ready.

John 7:6 NKJV

Jesus came to earth to establish a kingdom, restore lives to the image of God and deliver us from darkness to light. Therefore, everything from His birth to His resurrection is all timed, planned and executed.

Jesus did not go to a certain place, Jesus waited and Jesus did not bring the kingdom by force because of all things that needed to be fulfilled according to the Father's plan for the redemption and salvation of mankind to take place.

Now through Christ, all things have been established for us, to NOT wait any longer but to keep preaching, teaching, healing, casting out the devil and to set the oppressed free.

Jesus said something very powerful that we must take note. The time to make Christ known to the world is always right.

To preach, teach and share Christ by the power of God's Spirit is our duty in every season, time and situation. For them to accept Christ into their heart is dependant on their openness and their choice.

We don't have to pray and ask God for a time to share the Gospel or for an oppurtunity to open up. Jesus said our time is always ready to shine Jesus and His glory to the world.

Often as a church and as believers we hide and don't do what we are supposed to do in the name of waiting for God to tell us.

God has spoken.

God has commissioned us to do the things that Christ has already established.

We must always be ready to deliver.

Don't wait on God for the things God is waiting for us to do.

All believers are called to share the gospel of Christ.

Let us be bold to share Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit to all mankind.


Ambrose Francis


Luke 15:4 NKJV


Luke 3:16 NKJV