Luke 15:4 NKJV


“What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?

Luke 15:4 NKJV

The Scribes and the Pharisees were questioning Jesus for talking to the broken, needy and sinners and reaching out to them.

Jesus is teaching the world the very basic principle of life. The nature in Christ is to protect, value, restore, help and nurture every soul as a shepherd goes after a lost sheep.

Jesus is showing the heart of His Father, the very purpose of His will on earth. He wants to restore lives to God's image and likeness.

The religious took pride in how well they can keep themselves, polished and shiny before men.

The relationship that Jesus shows is about taking to heart to care and to polish others so that they too can shine for Jesus.

Jesus did not just speak about or just teach about it but He showed the world by laying His own life to redeem us all.

Every time we judge others by elevating ourselves is a reflection of the pride that is inside of us. There is nothing pure and holy in our own life except in Christ. Therefore, we all need to show grace and mercy to each other.

We need to cultivate this beautiful characteristic of Christ that is in each of us who believes in Jesus.

Start by valuing every soul and sharing God's love and grace with them. Start by encouraging one another to partake of all that Christ has done for us.

Let us look up and go after the lost souls so that none be lost but all come to know Jesus Christ.


Ambrose Francis


Mark 5:6 NKJV


John 7:6 NKJV