Matthew 12:7 NKJV


But if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless.

Matthew 12:7 NKJV

The Pharisees were questioning Jesus for breaking the law on the Sabbath. The law is not meant for evil but for good, for order and to bring harmony.

When the ambulance drives 120km per hour on a 90km road, that is not breaking the law. It is saving lives.

When the police car is chasing a thief and drives above the speed limit is not breaking the law but it is to keep the society in peace and free from trouble.

Jesus did many things that looked like He was breaking the law but Jesus was doing what the law failed to do.

Jesus did not come to punish people but to free them from punishment. God does not kill people but saves them from death that has held them captive.

Jesus came to give mercy, show mercy and be the mercy that mankind needed.

In today's world, people take advantage of the system, which is supposed to be good and helpful but they turned it to take advantage of it.

They use the law for their own benefit by lying and stealing under the name of the law. No law can bring good if good is not in them.

This is what Jesus came to do, not to give us a law that is of the flesh but a law of the spirit that changes the heart and transform our identity from bad to good, from the inside out.

So we too will bring out love, mercy and peace as we apply the law of the land. So that we would not hurt each other but to love, care and to be a blessing to one another.

Let us be Christ-like in every area of our lives and be merciful, loving and helpful to each other.


Ambrose Francis


Luke 3:16 NKJV


Matthew 12:29 NKJV