I Peter 5:6 NKJV
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,
I Peter 5:6 NKJV
Humbling ourselves before God is not just a prayer we pray and say, "Lord, I humble myself before you" but it is more like laying down all our worries, troubles and cares before the Lord.
To humble ourselves before God is making an absolute decision to trust God that He will take care of our needs and our situation.
Humbling ourselves also means that our opinion or our circumstances are not the truth we hold on to but what God has said and established for our life is.
Every day we are left with a decision to decide whether we want to stand in humility before God and believe in all that He has established or to believe what we are going through according to our circumstances.
To humble ourselves before God is believing the supernatural over the natural, believing God's word and His promises over whatever we go through in life.
When we humble ourselves and put God above everything else, God's promises take effect in every area of our lives.
God exalts us out of every misery, out of every crisis and causes us to see His glory and power in those situations in our lives.
Humbling ourselves before God becomes a key factor for us to see God's glory and power in and through our lives. For God resists the proud but give grace to the humble.
To believe God over what we feel, experience or go through is humility. To believe what we go through, what we feel and our experiences is pride.
Let us humble ourselves before God and let Him exalt us when we are ready to receive our breakthroughs.
Ambrose Francis