Matthew 16:15 NKJV


He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”

Matthew 16:15 NKJV

Jesus asked His disciples a question about who He is. The answers the disciples gave was what others have thought or said. The answers the disciples gave derived from the opinion of others, not of themselves.

It is important to note that Jesus did not come so that we will have an opinion about Him, second-hand knowledge of Him or believe in Him because our fathers believed.

This kind of belief will amount to nothing and cannot be built upon. We cannot build on or depend on someone else's faith and belief.

Jesus had to ask the question again but this time the disciples knew it was not just a general question but about the true relationship and knowledge of Jesus.

Only Peter answered and said, "You are the Christ, Son of the living God."

Peter knowledge of who Jesus is for his own life became a solid stone in his life. Now Peter can start building his life on that stone.

It is by the revelation knowledge of who Jesus is personally for our life which will set the foundation on which we can build upon.

Only one foundation that is true and eternal that is Jesus Christ. When we know Him more each day, the more foundations of our lives are being secured.

That is the kind of knowledge of Jesus that will stand against the storms of life and will defeat death.

Who Jesus is when the storm comes our way?

Is He someone we go to complain and sometimes accuse, or is He someone we can rest upon in the midst of the storm and know He has got us in His hands?

Let us come to know Jesus deeper so that we can anchor and build our lives in Him.


Ambrose Francis


I Peter 5:6 NKJV


II Peter 1:5 NKJV