II Timothy 4:4 NKJV


and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.

II Timothy 4:4 NKJV

Paul is teaching his spiritual son in the Lord to be vigilant, to be on guard and not to depart from the truth of God's word.

No one dares to question God in their rightful mind unless they totally don't believe in God or have their own interest.

People who know that there is a God begin to create ways to follow Him by setting up religious institutions that put God in a box.

Religious institutions are not bad if we do what the word of God tells us to do but it becomes a stumbling block when men want to control for their own self-appointed and self-centered desires.

Paul warns Timothy and I believe the same goes for all of us.

We are all co-workers in Christ.

We are all anointed to do the work of Christ.

The word fables here means unreal or false messages, ideas, false parables and sayings that are not grounded in truth. These things can lead people astray from the truth of God.

Fables sound good, look good and may feel good but only the truth of God's word sets us all free.

If the truth sets us free, everything else will keep us in bondage. Though they meant well, they only produce harm and short-changed the blessing of God.

Everything God has given to us through Christ our Lord needs to be guarded, grounded and saturated into every area of our lives.

This is so that we can stand strong in Christ until the end.


Ambrose Francis


Colossians 3:23 AMP


I Peter 5:6 NKJV