Acts 4:11 NKJV


This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’

Acts 4:11 NKJV

The Supernatural encounter the people had is indeed the work of God through believers in Christ.

But the rulers and priests in the house have rejected the Lord by rejecting the supernatural manifestation power of God among them.

God promised in His word that the latterdays will be greater than the former.

This means we will see far greater supernatural manifestation in our lives, family, church and across the nations from now onwards than what we have ever seen before.

We must be careful not to find ourselves as one who rejects God by rejecting the supernatural power of God.

In the early church raising the dead, casting out the devils, healing the sick and clensing the lepers and seeing multitudes coming to know Jesus is part of a nomal daily lifestyle for believers.

They don't run to their pastor or to an apostle or prophet but God moving in and through them.

Praying in the spirit, moving in the gifts and fruit of the spirit should become part of our lifestyle.

If we try to be dignified in the church and in our lives based of how people would think and how people would react, we have moved far from God's plans.

If we don't flow with the Holy Spirit, who are we flowing with? God has said in the last days He will pour out His spirit on all flesh. If we are not taking part in it, we are against it.

Let us keep preaching, keep living and keep moving in Jesus as our cornerstone, our Lord and as our King.


Ambrose Francis


I Corinthians 3:11 NKJV


Luke 3:9 NKJV