Luke 12:22 NKJV
Then He said to His disciples, “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about the body, what you will put on.
Luke 12:22 NKJV
Jesus is speaking to His disciples about what is important in life and where our ultimate focus should be.
We understand that we are citizens of the kingdom of God through Christ Our Lord. We also know that this world is passing away and the new is coming.
As a new creation, we need to fix our eyes and focus our attention on the One who holds our future, Jesus Christ.
Let not the earthly things be a priority in life but let us be living a purposeful life following Christ.
Jesus did not say that we don't need the necessity of life.
God made them for mankind to enjoy. It will be provided for by our Heavenly Father if we keep our eyes, our focus and our attention in following His ways.
New creation commandments are to love the Lord our God with everything that is within us and all the things that we need which God has promised will be added into our lives.
To worry is to take our eyes off who God is and to put it on what the world is showing.
To worry is to have our faith and trust NOT anchored in God. To worry is to believe that the things of this world are more powerful than God.
Worry is the absence of faith and trust in Jesus Christ and His promises.
Jesus came to give us life and that we may have it more abundantly. This takes place when we put our trust and faith living in Christ Jesus.
Whatever area we are gifted at whether it be our business, our job and our studies, we do it without worrying. We do it by trusting God wholeheartedly.
Let us bring our heart and mind back to the truth of God and His word. We are pilgrims in this world, getting ready for the next.
Let us start preparing and aligning our lives according to God's purpose with faith.
Ambrose Francis