II Corinthians 3:12 NKJV


Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech—

II Corinthians 3:12 NKJV

We are blessed with the glorious covenant that Jesus has established for us. This covenant is made by the blood of the Son of God and it is sealed for eternity.

We have such hope, such assurance, such great and exceeding promises of God within us. Yet how many of us speak of it, think of it or live like it.

All these blessings that God had poured into us should propel us into living a power-filled and purpose fulfilling life.

Such boldness should continue to build us to display the praises of Him who have called us out of darkness into His marvellous light.

The first important factor for us to be bold is knowing what we have in Christ. The greater knowledge we have of who we are in Christ will help us to stir our boldness.

If we don't know the One who is greater on the inside, we can't live bold on the outside.

If we know the greater One on the inside, we have no problem dealing with the one on the outside.

David was small and unequipped with sword or spears brought down the mighty Goliath, who was in his full amour with a slingshot.

It was not the stone that brought down the mighty Goliath, it was not the sling but it was the bold assurance of who David is in God and the covenant of God that is in his heart that brought down a giant.

If David can face the mighty giant with the old covenant, how much more we should be bold and confident with the new covenant today.

Let us know the God who made His dwelling and lives on the inside of us by the power of the Holy Spirit.

With great hope and boldness let us declare the praises of Him who is faithful and true.


Ambrose Francis


John 10:11 NKJV


John 4:38 NKJV