John 4:38 NKJV
I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.”
John 4:38 NKJV
There is so much to be thankful for as children of the most High God. Blessings after blessings and abundance that keeps coming our way.
One of the things that is reaping the blessings is of those who have sowed the seed before us. We reap the harvest that others have sown in tears, through persecution and in tribulations. Some have even laid down their lives for us to celebrate life.
Every single day is filled with the oppurtunity to sow and reap the blessings that God had prepared for us all. It matters what we do today with our seeds.
As we enjoy the blessings of what was sown in tears, we too can have the same or greater impact on our next generation.
What we do today may not look significant but a little seed we plant today can bring about a harvest that superseded far above what we could imagine.
We have the opportunity today to make a difference for tomorrow. Our decisions today will impact tomorrow's generation.
This is a true labour of love that we all can participate in. Pray for souls to be saved, pray for their eyes to be opened to the gospel of Christ.
Let's keep sowing today and continue to reap the blessings that God has prepared for all mankind.
Ambrose Francis