John 1:8 NKJV
He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
John 1:8 NKJV
John the Baptist was sent by God to bear witness of the true light. The closest privilege John had was to be the witness of Jesus Christ.
Today through Jesus' death and resurrection, we have the privilege of being the light of Christ to the world.
A privilege that believers should not take lightly. John knew his privilege to bear witness of the light and he dedicated his life and set himself apart from the normal life to do God's work.
How much more we who have been restored in the image of God and in His likeness should set apart every area of our lives to shine Christ Jesus to the world.
Through John's life, multitudes came and repented of their sins and prepared their hearts to receive the Son of the Living God.
Jesus gave us the privilege to be His light in this world. We too have a responsibility to shine the light of Christ so that multitudes can come into a relationship with Jesus.
What are we doing about the light Jesus has lit in us?
Are we lighting up our own room for ourselves or are we lighting up the world for Jesus?
The world needs us to be lighted up and shine. Many are spiritually blind and they cannot see the true light that is in us.
Let us shine Jesus and light up every heart with the goodness of God.
Ps Ambrose