John 18:4 NKJV
Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him, went forward and said to them, “Whom are you seeking?”
John 18:4 NKJV
Jesus gave Himself willingly for all mankind knowing everything that He will have to go through to save us.
Knowing the kind of punishment that awaits Him, Jesus boldly gave Himself to be taken and judged.
It is very noble to be the sacrifice for someone without knowing the details of the punishments but it takes more than noble, it takes the strong and bold to say yes when knowing every detail of suffering that one has to go through.
This reflects God's willingness and His love towards mankind. Jesus willingly gave Himself to us even when He had to endure beyond hardships. He remained till the end.
There is nothing to be compared to the sufferings that Jesus went through for us.
We need to hold on to the love, the life and the sacrifice that Jesus gave. No matter how hard or how difficult sometimes it may be, we hold on.
We need to reflect on what Jesus did when it is beyond human strength. He held on to the Scriptures and keep fulfilling the word of God which is the plan of God.
We too need to be willing to give ourselves to God no matter what the cost may be. Our faithfulness towards God really shines when we stay on course when everything is falling apart.
Remember what Jesus did for us, knowing the pain and sufferings He had to bear yet He endured the cross for us.
He did it so that we too will endure remaining in God all the days of our lives.
Ps Ambrose