Matthew 8:3 NKJV
Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
Matthew 8:3 NKJV
Sometimes we use the word "God willing" as if it depends on God for something good to happen to us.
If there were 100 lepers and 50 of them came to Jesus to receive healing and were healed does that mean that God was not willing for the other 50 to be healed?
Obviously no, God would heal all because He is not a respecter of persons. He came to heal us, set us free and deliver us from every destruction.
The truth is this, the 50 lepers were willing to come to Jesus and the others were not willing to come to Him or to believe that Jesus has the power to heal.
God willed Himself to come to earth to take the punishment that was supposed to be on us, He exchange His life for us and paid the full price by dying on the cross.
Do we still have questions about God's willingness? The one who needs to be willing is us. We need to come to Him and receive by faith all that He has done for us.
Abundant life in Christ, authority in Christ, power in Christ and all of God's kingdom in Christ, God has willed for us to live in.
Jesus touched the untouchable, loved the unlovable, healed, delivered and saved us while we were still sinners.
God willed for us to live in His fullness all the days of our lives. The question is are WE willing?
Are we willing to lay down our lives for His?
Are we willing to follow Him instead of what the world offers?
And are we willing to believe in Him?
God is not the one who has the issue about willingness. It is us who need to be willing to believe, to receive and to live in Him.
Let us be confident that God has the best, wants us to have the best so that we can be the best and give the best to each other for His kingdom and for His glory.
Ps Ambrose