Genesis 1:27 NKJV
“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
Genesis 1:27 NKJV
The world has created a competition between male and female.
The world brought the idea of so many categories of genders and they all create such divisions and hatred towards each other.
Anything that is not found in truth will bring hate and destruction to each other.
Truth tells us that there are only two genders that God has made and there are only two chromosomes to prove it.
No matter what they say, they are, or no matter what they feel like, their DNA will show either they are male or female.
The world calls on everyone to adapt to the feelings and faults of a fallen nature.
Saying yes to that brings disagreement towards what God had made.
We cannot adapt to what that is not of God. Therefore, we need to stand for the truth and share it with others.
If we move away from the truth, we will yield ourselves to the lies of the enemy and cut short our blessings in God.
Both males and females need to stand in honour before God and before each other.
God is not confused and not the author of confusion. Therefore, if we want to be blessed and live our best life, it has to be according to His truth.
Let us continue to share the truth and honor God as male and female.
Ps Ambrose