Joel 2:8 NKJV
“They do not push one another; Every one marches in his own column. Though they lunge between the weapons, They are not cut down.”
Joel 2:8 NKJV
Interestingly, in the last days, people are not to push others but to gather themselves to walk according to God’s perfect plan.
As an army, the only way to win the battle is to walk in unity and believe in each other’s gift in Christ.
Each one should appreciate and make room in the body for their individual functionality in Christ.
It is also interesting to know when each one embraces each other’s purpose in God’s kingdom, all their executions become perfect in harmony.
Therefore, if people are getting hurt, it is because of two things.
They are not following their orders from God or are not in agreement with one another.
We cannot shut the enemy down if we don’t walk in unity. When we are united, everything falls into place.
It is important to identify our place in the body and it is equally important to understand others in the body.
Let us be united in Christ and march forward to accomplish all that Christ has done for us as a body.
Ps Ambrose