Genesis 3:4 NKJV
“Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die.”
Genesis 3:4 NKJV
The first thing satan did to Eve is to come against the word God had spoken to her.
What satan did to Eve, satan is doing the same thing today. The enemy is trying to bring doubt and unbelief.
The enemy wants to abort the word of God out of our lives.
Though many believers think this does not happen to us, we will be surprised how many times we abort the word of God.
We abort the word of God because we believe the facts above what God has said.
When we question God’s word, it means we are not in agreement with God.
We allow our situation and circumstances to take president in our hearts and minds and God and His word to take a second place.
Believers don’t say I don’t believe God or His word but satan brings doubt that causes us to see things happening around us that contradict God and His word.
We must be alert and watchful that we don’t find ourselves believing satan by questioning God’s word and speaking out our facts instead of the TRUTH.
John 17:17 says that we are sanctified by the truth of God’s word. When we believe God and His word above the facts that we are in, we are sanctified from the lies of the devil.
The enemy has stolen many things from our lives. It is time to take them back by believing in God and His promises.
Let us be determined to carry the promises of God in our spiritual womb until they manifest in our lives.
We are God’s body here on earth and let us all manifest God in the power of His Holy Spirit.
Ps Ambrose