Romans 10:8 NKJV
“But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach):” Romans 10:8 NKJV
Paul speaks of the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus by faith and not by works. This is the message of faith that has been preached by the apostles and needs to be continued by every believer. Jesus who is from the beginning became flesh and dwelt among us, the word is near us. That same Jesus died and resurrected from the dead, now living in us by the Holy Spirit. We need to have the living word going forth from our mouth. We need to keep speaking, declaring, calling forth into being, establishing and standing strong in this word of faith. This word of faith “righteousness by God’s grace and not works” need to be one in our heart. We cannot be tossed and turned between the two. We need to be discerning between the two messages in the world today among the believers - By faith or by works. Faith does not mean there is no work. In fact, both involves work. The law requires us to work to attain righteousness. Faith requires us to work out the righteousness we have attained from God. That’s the reason in the book of Hebrews 11 starts of NOW faith. Reason being is because we have already got it by God’s grace. To exercise the righteousness of God in our lives has to be by faith. Because most of our confession is going to look contrary in the natural. That is why we have to do it by faith. Faith is required because it is impossible with man. And that faith is manifested because it is possible with God. We need to keep confessing, declaring, speaking and praying the word so that we will be conformed to the message of God’s righteousness. Jesus gave His life for us to be righteous, it’s free but the most costly price paid for us to be free to live in the righteousness of God. Let us not steal that away this precious gift from believers by a different gospel. Jesus laid the foundation and no other should be laid. Let us build ourselves in the grace, in the word and in Spirit of the living God. Let us be confident in the righteousness of God and grow from glory to glory. Blessings