I Corinthians‬ ‭9:14‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


“Even so the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should live from the gospel.” ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭9:14‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Paul is teaching some of the sensitive issues in this chapter. Especially in this verse, he strongly points out what Jesus spoke with regards to taking care of the ministers of the gospel. It is often a complex matter when a preacher of the word or a minister of the gospel is not taken care of in the ministry. It’s a primary duty of the family of God or a church to take care of the minister of the gospel as they give their time to do what God has called them to do. This is something we need to understand that as the minister does not count his time to serve, but living their lives for the gospel. So then must also the family of God take care of the minister. How can we love God when the one whom God sent has been deprived of the blessings that God has for them. I don’t believe a minister should demand his portion but usually, it is left out because everyone is busy with their own life and needs. So let us take care of each other especially the ministers out there because they take care of us. Loving and caring for one another should be part of our lifestyle. Be a blessing, be the joy and peace for one another. Let us love God and support all those who step out in faith to obey the call of God. Blessings


‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭15:20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


Romans‬ ‭10:8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬