Acts 16:7 NKJV
“After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit them.” Acts 16:7 NKJV
Paul and Silas were going places to preach the Gospel as the Lord had commanded them in the scriptures. Places that the Lord didn’t want them to go, the Holy Spirit will tell them not to go in that city. The Apostle Paul who wrote the most of the New Testament shows us an example on how to be a disciple for Jesus. Paul and Silas did whatever God had spoken to them and as they go, they were open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit did not permit them to go to certain places, so Paul continued his mission. Paul did not stop because he did not hear any new direction. Paul kept on preaching, healing and declaring who Jesus is to the world, and as they went, they stopped as the Holy Spirit directed them. God knows how to lead and maneuver those who are in the move of doing what He has spoken but God cannot lead and manoeuvre people who are not doing what they are supposed to do. The great commission is a commission to all believers. Therefore, we are all called to walk them out in our lives. Some may say that they did not hear God. Well, God said it in His word what we should be doing. If we start doing, then God will surely direct our steps and lead us. The gospel is to be preached, lived and shared to the ends of the earth. That means every place, every time and on every occasion we are to be ready to share the gospel of Christ. The urgency in Paul and Silas is very rare in the churches today and many times it is not that often we get the urge to do the things God has spoken. But when we see each other as our own and what will be the end for them without Jesus, we will be praying fervently, fast, and look for open doors to share the good news. We need to be ready in God, pray and in the word for the gospel to be shared. Let’s get into the movement and keep our ears, mind and heart open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Blessings