II Timothy 4:7 NKJV
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
II Timothy 4:7 NKJV
There is a war that we all are fighting at all times. The Bible tells us that we have an enemy that wants to steal, kill and destroy. The enemy never stops to rest because he knows his time is going to be up soon.
There are things that God has called us to hold strong to as our foundation and there are things God has spoken for us to do as His ambassador.
These two things are the balance of our faith, being and doing.
Paul, at the end of his life, says to the best of his knowledge that he had a wonderful time living in God, dwelling in His presence and had a go at everything that He heard God spoke to Him.
Are we preparing ourselves in the light of God and His kingdom? Or are we preparing our lives with an earthly dimension and with the doctrines that gratify the flesh?
We have to hold strong and fight the good fight of faith till the end.
There are many things that Paul went through in his life from being a stumbling block, disputes, beaten, accepted and imprisonments.
All these things were happening in Paul’s life. Yet he kept on doing the one thing. Forgetting the things that are behind and pressing towards the upward call of God.
Paul fought through his feeling, his wants, his own earthly desires and cravings and stood by who God is and what God has spoken to him.
Our casual lifestyle needs to change to a purposeful lifestyle. We are at war.
The enemy, satan, wants to steal, kill and destroy our destiny in God.
If we feel or think that there is nothing for satan to steal from, perhaps he has stolen by making us think there is nothing to lose.
The victory has been won by Jesus 100%, then what are we fighting for?
We have to fight against the lies, deceit and doctrines that contradict the word of God and the foundation Jesus laid for all mankind.
So let us all take up our armour and move in God’s presence and take back what the enemy has stolen. Breaking every lie of the enemy and saving souls for the kingdom of God.