Genesis 22:16 NKJV
“and said: “By Myself I have sworn, says the Lord, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son—”
Genesis 22:16 NKJV
The first thing to note in this verse for the first time in the Bible God swore by Himself.
This took place after Abraham obeyed God and did everything to offer Issac as a sacrifice.
In everything that God tells people to do, God always tells them the blessings that they will have if they follow His word.
But when God told Abraham to sacrifice His only son, Isaac, there were no promises mentioned.
There were no counter blessings, no return on investment and there were no indications of what’s next.
For Abraham, Isaac is the promise he waited for such a long time. It came to pass by a miracle.
Now God told Abraham to offer his miracle as a sacrifice.
Abraham gave to God. Abraham obeyed God and Abraham was obedient to God when there were no blessings attached to it.
But after Abraham obeyed, God swore by Himself to bless Abraham beyond his imagination.
God gave him back his miracle and loaded Abraham with such blessings.
Do we obey God because there is a blessing attached to it?
Will we obey God if there is nothing in it for us?
Will we sacrifice and do what God has commanded if we don’t know what’s next?
We cannot outgive God and there is nothing we do for God will be in vain.
But do we obey God because we love him or because there is a return on investment?
We have to examine our hearts and know why we serve Him, why we obey Him and why we worship Him.
Let all be done because we love Him and give Him all the glory.
Ps Ambrose