Hebrews 5:1 NKJV
“For every high priest taken from among men is appointed for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins.”
Hebrews 5:1 NKJV
The qualification of a high priest is someone who would love his people.
A person who would be willing to offer sacrifice to those who are ignorant and going astray.
Someone who does not think about themselves but the people they represent.
They are to be living for the purpose of making peace, a mediator between man and God.
This is the place Jesus took for all mankind. He became man and took His place as a high priest to be the mediator for mankind.
For the purpose that He would make peace, bringing all the ignorant and those who have been led astray.
Jesus paid it all, made peace and paid for the sins of all mankind ONCE AND FOR ALL.
Therefore, mankind can be in fellowship with God and live in harmony with Him.
So that mankind through Christ can live free from the curse, free from bondage and free from death.
Now in Christ, we have been made an eternal spirit being, that will never die, from now till eternity.
Jesus Christ has established a new covenant, abolishing the old covenant. Jesus set a new foundation and gave us the eternal law which is love.
Now as believers in Christ, we live in His love, do everything in love and share Christ's love with each other.
We are made in the image of Christ and in His likeness, free from condemnation to live just like Him, caring for one another.
Let us live life in honour and worship unto God every day.
Ps Ambrose