Proverbs 4:13 NKJV
“Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; Keep her, for she is your life.”
Proverbs 4:13 NKJV
The word of God teaches us that instruction leads to achieving goals that are set.
It is the inner knowledge of the Creator passed on to the user so that the user can have the full benefits of what was created.
There are many instructions in the world concerning our lives that seem right.
There are many so-called manuals in the world that are teaching people how to succeed.
But the word of God is the instructions from the Creator. Walking away from it is to behold something that is not beneficial to us.
Many good ideas, many good intentions and belief systems only rob us of our full potential if it is not found in the Creator's book.
The only way the enemy can defeat us is to keep us from knowing the truth.
This is because the truth reveals what we have in Christ and where satan belongs, under our feet.
We need to treasure the truth that we all have in Christ.
We need to “TAKE FIRM HOLD“ of it because many will divert from the truth because of what they have seen, experienced and gone through in life.
We need to take HOLD of the TRUTH and run with the instruction of God even though we don’t see any results now.
It will surely come as we keep trusting and following His instructions.
Ps Ambrose