Jude 1:17 NKJV
“But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ:”
Jude 1:17 NKJV
Jude spoke to the believers to contend for their faith by holding on to the true gospel that they heard.
This letter was written about 20-30 years after the resurrection of Christ because traditions of men crept back into the church.
Jude stirred up believers to earnestly contend for their faith that was found in Christ Jesus that was taught by the apostles.
Jude encouraged believers to build themselves by praying in the Holy Spirit and to keep themselves in the love of God.
It did not take long for them to have the ways of the world back into the church. After centuries we have a lot more to uproot, cut down and entirely delete from our lives.
We need to go back to the teachings of Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit and walk in His divine power.
Traditions of men and their belief systems have blocked our eyes and ways from the truth of God.
We have to go back to the word of God and study to see it through the finished work of Christ.
Jesus Christ and His finished work is the measure, and the path to keep us walking in the right direction.
We don’t just believe the gospel of the kingdom of God that Jesus established but we also need to contend and share it with the world.
If we don’t contend for the faith which we have received from Christ through His word, the message will continue to change and will be another religion.
Let us go back to Jesus Christ to see what He has done for us and start building ourselves up in the Holy Spirit.
Ps Ambrose