Matthew 12:33 NKJV
“Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit.”
Matthew 12:33 NKJV
The religious leaders came after Jesus to accuse Him. They were supposed to be the ones who make the way for their Saviour. Instead, in the end they crucified their Saviour.
Jesus spoke about what they have become in this analogy of a good tree and a bad tree.
They have become a bad tree because the fruits that are coming out of them are all evil and against God.
When the tree is good, it will produce good fruits. Therefore, it is important to know what kind of tree are we.
A tree becomes good or bad depending on what the tree takes in. If the tree takes in good nutrients, it becomes a healthy, good tree.
If the tree takes in bad things and there are no sufficient nutrients. The tree becomes unhealthy and starts to produce fruits that are not good.
Therefore, what we put into our lives is very important. Once it is in our system, it will come out automatically.
If we put in God’s promises and believe what God has made us to be, then our system will begin to change like God’s image.
We have to uproot all bad systems, negative thoughts, words and ways of thinking. All have to be uprooted for change to happen.
We need to plant God’s word so that we can have godly systems working in us.
Let us not worry about things around us but be sure to take in God’s promises so that the tree in us is healthy to bring forth good fruits.
Ps Ambrose