Psalms 2:10 NKJV
“Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth.”
Psalms 2:10 NKJV
God's word to the kings is to be wise, and to be instructed because kings are judges of the earth.
In the old covenant, God appointed a king over His people to bring godly judgments on the earth.
Praise the Lord that in the new covenant, the Lord has appointed His own children to be kings and priests so that we can judge the earth according to His ways.
Jesus is the King of kings, He is the KING and we are His kings.
Therefore, we need to be instructed by our King who has appointed us as kings on this earth.
We are to bring God’s kingdom to come and be established here on earth.
In order for us to be effective, we need to give ourselves to His instruction, learning His ways.
God’s way is of the Spirit and not according to the flesh. It is the power of the UNSEEN world.
His supernatural power from His supernatural kingdom needs to be released here on Earth.
Giving ourselves to be instructed means giving ourselves to learning God’s truth, following Christ's footsteps and carrying out His word.
We cannot judge the earth with our natural abilities. This is God’s kingdom and it needs to be led by His Spirit who lives in us.
We must yield ourselves to Christ Jesus and His ways.
So that we can take our place as kings and give our King all the glory, honour and praise.
Ps Ambrose