I Corinthians 11:16 NKJV
“But if anyone seems to be contentious, we have no such custom, nor do the churches of God.”
I Corinthians 11:16 NKJV
There were traditions observed in their customs that became an issue and Paul addressed it to solve the problem.
Their normal tradition showed respect and honour from a symbolic point of view.
But as many have been liberated in the truth and started to live in the truth and no longer observe symbols but to be living in honour before the Lord and men.
Traditions will force us to keep the symbols and often suppress liberty in order to show true honour and glory towards our Lord.
Yet Paul’s conclusion simply says that as a church of God, we don’t practice these things.
He says if these problems continue, we should stop this custom as it brings division and not unity.
What Paul said consistently throughout his letters to the churches is that we don’t live by the customs or traditions but we ought to live in Christ Jesus.
Paul's encouragement to all is to focus on Christ and His Word.
He encouraged believers to walk in the spirit and in the things that are above.
What unifies us together is the love of God and following His truth.
We don’t judge people on what we put on but each one must take responsibility.
We are to be sensitive to how we affect others by the way we live our lives.
Paul is not one who would encourage customs and traditions for he came out of that and saw the danger that it can bring.
He himself became the persecutor of the truth before he came to know Christ.
Jesus needs to be exalted in every aspect of our lives and His love should be evident in all believers.
Ps Ambrose