Matthew 27:6 NKJV
“But the chief priests took the silver pieces and said, “It is not lawful to put them into the treasury, because they are the price of blood.””
Matthew 27:6 NKJV
When Judas was convicted of his action by betraying Jesus, he went back and threw the money they gave him.
The chief priests said that it’s not lawful to put the money into the temple treasury because they are the price of blood.
The one who planned and gave the money to Judas to betray Jesus was the high priest.
Yet they can look at the same money they used to bribe and called it unclean.
They can see the money as unlawful but their own deeds of lawlessness as good.
They had no conviction of of the blood in their own hands and can still sit in temples and teach.
Religious spirit has blinded them of their own works, their own beliefs and actions to be right.
We are not called to be religious but to have a relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord.
Every word of God is for our personal development. We don’t read the word for others to change.
We read the word of God and hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to us so that we can change our mind and heart to His likeness.
We must not become religious and be blinded by just knowing the truth but we must apply to live by it.
We should be living out the truth for ourselves and build ourselves in all that Jesus has done for us.
Then we can truly make Jesus known to all the world.
Let us live out the gospel of Christ, be in fellowship with the Holy Spirit and be a blessing to one another.
Ps Ambrose