Acts 8:39 NKJV
“Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing.”
Acts 8:39 NKJV
Philip received a message from an angel, and Philip ran ahead of the Ethiopian eunuch and explained the scripture he was reading.
The Ethiopian believed and was baptised in the water they found along the journey.
The moment they came out of the water, Philip was suddenly taken away to another place.
A place called Azotus around 30 kilometres away from the place he baptised the Ethiopian eunuch.
This is a supernatural event that shows us the possibilities beyond human power that is at work among those who believe in Jesus Christ.
God had given us the authority, power and dominion to accomplish His purpose here on earth.
We too should expect supernatural encounters when serving the Lord.
Supernatural breakthroughs, supernatural debts being cancelled, supernaturally blessed with lands and properties for God’s kingdom.
Philip had a passion to follow God and supernatural things took place while he served the Lord.
When we serve the Lord, we don’t look at our abilities, but we put every ability we have in the supernatural power of God and see His glory manifest before us.
We as a church are a powerful force in this world. We need to rise up and walk in the Spirit and follow God’s path.
Let us believe the impossible things to happen because we serve a God who has made all things possible to those who believe.
Ps Ambrose