Isaiah 55:12 NKJV
“For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace; The mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing before you, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”
Isaiah 55:12 NKJV
This verse says that we will go out with joy and be led with peace. This gives us assurance that if we would do what God has said, we will go out of every situation with joy.
No matter how hard the road may look before us, if we keep our eyes on Jesus and keep doing what He has said. We will walk in victory.
The creation has confidence in the word which we already received from God. They are waiting for us to walk in them.
There is a song that the creation wants to sing before you. These are songs of God’s word that are waiting to come to pass.
The word of God says in Romans 8:19 that the creation eagerly waits for the sons of God to be revealed.
Sons of God can only be revealed through living the life that Christ has given to us. That is the new life and has a new kingdom that we have received.
It is a kingdom that is full of love, wisdom, strength, authority, and power. That kingdom is within us through Christ.
Believers have a responsibility to activate the kingdom that God has put into our life.
This responsibility is not for God to do it, but for us to do it in every area of our lives.
The creation is waiting to sing songs of accomplishment of God’s kingdom here on earth.
Are we ready to put those gifts, talents, authority, and power that we have received from God to work?
It is time that we as believers rise up and take our place as the ambassadors of God’s kingdom, bringing glory to His Name.
Ps Ambrose