John 9:2 NKJV
“And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?””
John 9:2 NKJV
This is such a powerful revelation that can set us free if we can see the difference between the two dimensions.
One is the earthly dimension and another is the heavenly dimension.
The disciples tried to see things, perceive things, understand things and analyse things from an earthly dimension.
But Jesus spoke and answered from a heavenly dimension that sees the potential for the glory of God to be manifested.
The earthly dimension will only provide satisfactory knowledge that is right and true to this earthly dimension.
People will win their arguments, debates and their case based on earthly principles.
We must remember that’s not the kingdom of God and we don’t function according to the earthly dimension.
We must understand that we are a citizen of a new kingdom that is of heaven.
A kingdom that comes to fix every broken, rejected, lost and everything that is fallen from God’s original plan.
We cannot operate as a believer on an earthly dimension. We cannot speak and do things according to an earthly dimension.
Let us lift our eyes and see that we are children of His kingdom who are ready to execute God’s kingdom here on earth.
Let us continue to renew our mind, our words, our actions and heart according to the kingdom of God.
Ps Ambrose