Ephesians 2:10 NKJV
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10 NKJV
For we are His workmanship, we are God’s best creation whom He has fashioned us to perfection in our spirit.
God’s word said that all this took place in us through Christ Jesus our Lord. Therefore, anyone who would believe that they have been perfected in Christ is a new creation.
Perfect in every way in the spirit. This is who we really are in Christ Jesus. We are not going to be perfect. We are perfect, we are not a God project. We have been presented to carry out the works of God.
The word of God also says that God HAD prepared all this beforehand. This means everything that we will ever need and every power that we would ever need has been given to us.
If we keep looking for God to give it to us, we have been deceived. The truth is we have been given.
If we believe we have been given, then we would put everything that God has given into practice.
Lastly the word of God tells us that we should walk in them.
This is simple yet very powerful.
If we don’t walk in them as how God had prepared for us, then we are not walking by faith.
If we are asking God to do something that He has already done, that means we don’t have faith in what He has accomplished for us.
Therefore, let us change our minds from our old beliefs that is set on old things and of the old covenant to the new covenant we have in Christ.
Ps Ambrose