Romans 4:22 NKJV
“And therefore “it was accounted to him for righteousness.””
Romans 4:22 NKJV
Abraham had some setbacks, Abraham did some mistakes in his life but he did not waver through unbelief concerning the promise of God.
It was accounted to Abraham because he did not doubt God and believed that whatever God had said will come to pass.
Today we as believers have been perfected in Christ by His death and resurrection.
There is not a single thing that needs to be added into our lives that Jesus did not add and there is not a single thing that Christ needed to do that He has not done in our lives.
He gave us a new spirit that is right with God and bears the image of a perfect God so that we can walk in His perfection.
God who called us to live holy have blessed us with His holiness so that we can manifest that holiness by believing it.
If we step back and expect God to work it out for us, that is not faith. Faith is substance. Substance is what we have been made in the spirit through Christ.
That is our hope that will manifest God in our soul and body. That is what will cause the world to see the glory of God.
If we believe that we need to be worked on further to become like God to accomplish the task, then we are not standing according to what Jesus has done for us.
Beloved, we cannot be more holier, more anointed and more ready than what Christ has done for us.
God will never send us without first giving us the power to do it.
Peter stepped out of the boat and stood on the word Jesus spoke. Are we standing on His word or are we asking Him to help us as if Jesus did not give us anything?
Therefore, let us rise up in our spirit and start walking by faith and not by our sight.
Ps Ambrose