Colossians 3:24 NKJV
“knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.”
Colossians 3:24 NKJV
When we serve the Lord, when we do it all unto Him and for His glory, we will receive the reward from Him.
Sometimes we forget that God sees every work and every effort that each one puts into building God’s kingdom.
If we forget that the reason we do this is unto the Lord, we will be disappointed, discouraged and broken.
But we have this amazing promises that surely all who labour will receive their reward and live in the blessings of the Lord.
The knowing is very important in order to receive. If we don’t know, then we will do it half- heartedly.
But if we know, we will give our best unto the Lord in every area of our lives.
This tells us that our investment of time, efforts and finances will not be wasted.
We all have an heavenly account and nothing is left uncounted. Be bold in serving and give our best to the Lord.
Let us serve the Lord and do everything unto Him, for He deserves all the glory and honour.
Ps Ambrose