Romans 8:12 NKJV
“Therefore, brethren, we are debtors—not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh.”
Romans 8:12 NKJV
Everyone who does not have Jesus in their lives are debtors to the flesh. They live life according to the power that their soul and body can produce.
Death is the price for the flesh. Therefore, every work that our flesh does only pays off for death.
In the end, whatever that our flesh does only can earn death and not life.
But Jesus gave us life through His Spirit. The Spirit therefore gives life. When we are born again, we become debtors of the spirit.
Everything we do in the spirit will always produce life. The wages of living in His spirit is abundant life.
We who are born again in the spirit in Christ Jesus now need to learn to walk according to His spirit.
If we are doing the walking and the Holy Spirit is following us, that is still living in the flesh. But if we are following where the Holy Spirit is leading us, then we are living in the Spirit.
We need to understand that we are no longer debtors that work to pay for our death. That price has been paid by Jesus for us.
We have been bought by Jesus from death and He gave us life eternal. Now we work and everything we do, we do it through the power of His Spirit in us.
Our mind needs to change. We are no longer made to produce death. We are made in Christ to live the abundant life.
Let us work in the spirit, live in the spirit, walk in the spirit and become a vessel that carries God’s life and power here on earth.
Ps Ambrose