II Timothy 2:16 NKJV
“But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness.”
II Timothy 2:16 NKJV
Paul encouraged and taught Timothy to shun profane words and idle babblings because without realizing it will subtly get into our minds and heart.
Profane words are not just about cursing someone, swearing, and calling someone names. It is more towards speaking words that are against what Christ Jesus has done for us.
Saying things that are contrary to what God has done and spoken is profanity.
We may not swear or call people names but do we speak things that are contrary to what Jesus has done for us?
This is very subtle.
We think we are good and just having a good conversation but if that conversation is contradicting what Christ has done for us then we are sucked into profanity.
Words that we share are not just conversations. They begin to take shape in our thoughts and in our hearts.
The word of God teaches us that it is the little foxes that spoil the vine.
It may seem like nothing to worry about now but once it sets in, it will start to build a memory that will manifest disobedience.
We need to be careful of what we speak and make adjustments to correct them every time we speak.
None of us got it all perfect but we continue to grow intentionally, perfecting ourselves by constantly looking unto Christ Jesus.
Let us speak in alignment with what Christ has done for us and spread His thoughts into our world.
PS Ambrose