Galatians 1:9 NKJV
“As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.”
Galatians 1:9 NKJV
Paul was very firm about preaching the right gospel, preaching the finished work of Christ, and preaching God’s kingdom.
Paul reminded the people again and again not to deviate or give entrance to any other gospel besides the one Jesus laid for all.
The sad news is other gospels have already penetrated to the society today. Many take the word of God and try to fit it into their own agenda.
Many interpret the word of God to fit into their own benefits so that they can carry on to live the way they like.
The Word of God is not to be adjusted to fit our life, instead, we are supposed to be moulded according to what God’s word says.
We are to change our mindset, our way of life, and our beliefs according to what Jesus has done.
The gospel of Christ is not to be twisted and turned to fit into our lifestyle but our lifestyle needs to be straightened up according to God and His word.
Moving away from the gospel is moving away from God’s plan, God’s truth, and the destiny God had prepared for us.
Walking away from the gospel only causes us to be entangled with the bondage the enemy sets up.
Paul wanted us to stay true to the gospel that is founded in Christ Jesus our Lord. For everything is completed in Christ. Jesus is the revelation of the Father and Christ became the foundation for all God’s children.
Let us live life according to the true gospel that Jesus laid for all mankind.
Ps Ambrose