Matthew 8:24 NKJV
“And suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. But He was asleep.”
Matthew 8:24 NKJV
Jesus modeled for us what life in God looks like. Jesus modeled what effect will take place when His Father’s promises were received and He modeled what having faith, hope, and trust in God looks like.
When the fishermen started to worry that their boat was about to sink, it must have been in a pretty bad condition.
The waves were big and water was filling up the boat and the people potentially can be drowned.
But Jesus trusted in His Father in heaven looked like this picture, sound asleep on a pillow.
He was sleeping when the boat was rocking, and wet, and noises of worry were in the air. Someone needed to wake Him up to the reality of the condition they were in.
But the truth is Jesus was sound asleep in the reality of His Father’s truth, His Father’s protection, and His Father’s assurance.
When the world was crying out for help and for answers to life, we can be at peace knowing the real truth will set us free.
Jesus is teaching His disciples what is reality, the storm around them, or the word of God that is in them.
There are two realities. One reality is of this world and everything that happens in it and another is the reality of God’s kingdom and everything that happens in it.
This world and everything in it will pass away and God’s kingdom and everything in it will remain forever.
Which one we choose to live in will reflect whether we will be sleeping in the storm or running around like everyone else in the world who has no hope.
There will be a lot of sudden storms in this world, and which kingdom we choose to stand on will be revealed.
We need to rest in God and in His kingdom. That is the only power that is above every power, force, and influence in this world.
Let us train our hearts and our minds to rest in God as Jesus rested in His Father’s kingdom.
Ps Ambrose