Hebrews 3:7 NKJV
“Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: “Today, if you will hear His voice,”
Hebrews 3:7 NKJV
All the promises of God for the Israelites is set to be manifested but their disobedience and rebellion towards God’s word caused them their true blessings.
The Holy Spirit of God is here to remind us of the same, to follow the word of God and obey Him till the end. God’s word shows us that God is speaking to all seven churches in the book of revelation.
Telling the church to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the churches. God the Holy Spirit is not only trying to give information but directions on which way to go and live.
God is speaking to us all through His word and through His Holy Spirit. We need to take note of His directions and immediately put that into action.
Don’t let time dismiss what the Lord has told us to do. Don’t let our fear rob us of our inheritance. But above all, don’t let pride stand in the way of God’s blessings.
Praying in the Holy Spirit helps our natural mind and heart to be restored to our heavenly mind and heart in Christ. So that we will be more conscious spiritually.
Let us be quick to obey and follow God and His instructions so that we can enjoy the abundance that God has prepared for us.
Ps Ambrose