Galatians 5:7 NKJV
“You ran well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth?”
Galatians 5:7 NKJV
When we first got saved, we were very conscious that we were sinners and only by God’s love and grace we are saved.
We understood that nothing that we have done can earn eternal life and we put our total trust and hope in what Christ has done for us.
As time goes by, we got to know Christ and we get to win some battles through the power of God. We also start journeying our lives living holy before God as best as we can.
Then the emphasis began to change from God’s grace to our own efforts, pressured to do something to be holy and righteous.
This is what Paul said to some Galatians who wanted to go backward instead of forward in Christ advising them to keep believing in the grace of God and not the works of man.
We have to be careful as the body of Christ not to hinder people from growing in their personal relationship with the truth of the gospel.
If someone is bringing anything tradition with rituals in between God and man, it is not the gospel of Christ.
Christ brought down every separation between God and mankind. We need to know that no works, rituals, and ceremonies can bring us closer to God.
We are already made one with God. We live in Him, move in Him and have our being in Him.
Therefore, we don’t do things to be in Him or do things to honour Him. We are in Him by His grace, we are honoured by the honour He bestowed upon us.
God desires our communication with Him to be in oneness and have no in-between ceremonies.
We don’t do ceremonies with a living person when we talk to them. Christ is living and residing in us. Therefore, He wants us to live in Him more than anything else.
Let us continue to run the race holding on to the grace that empowers us to triumph in Him.
Ps Ambrose