Genesis 1:11 NKJV
“Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so.”
Genesis 1:11 NKJV
When God created the earth and everything that came out of it, God put the ability for them to reproduce its own kind.
God does not need to create a new tree every time when a tree die because the earth will produce its kind.
God put Adam to take care, to tend and keep watch over His creation which produces its kind.
If God has put such incredible capacity and abilities in all of His creation, much more has God put into us who are made in His image and likeness.
How much more God would have put into us in order for us to take care of His creation?
Managers, CEOs and founders of companies have studied, acquired experience and have developed themselves to take those positions.
But what God has put into us is far greater than that. God has put in us the ability and capacity to take care of all of His creation, the world.
If we lean on the Creator, believe in Him and follow His leading, there is nothing that we cannot do.
We have the supernatural power and ability in us to handle any form of situation and circumstances.
God is calling us to come back to Him, trust Him and live in Him so that we all can accomplish the purpose of God for our lives.
We all have become the seed of God that has the capacity to produce its kind which are people who will honour, obey and follow God Almighty.
We need to believe and see who we are in Him and the capacity God has put into our lives.
Then we can rise up in His power, strength and abilities to cast off all stress, fear, doubt, panic, low self-esteem and every negative thing that pulls us down.
Let us keep believing and keep living in the glory of our God in Christ Jesus.
Ps Ambrose