John 17:22 NKJV


And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one:

John 17:22 NKJV

This is the prayer Jesus prayed to His Father in heaven concerning us. Jesus reveals to us in His prayer to His Father that the same glory that Jesus received has now been given unto all who believed in Him.

The only way to walk in God's glory is to walk in Christ, to remain in Christ and live our lives in Christ Jesus.

We often pray for God's glory but Jesus reveals to us that His glory is already upon us as believers.

The first reason we don't see the manifestation of God's glory is because we are not in oneness with Jesus in our character, our identity and our lifestyle.

Character is a very important vessel to carry God's glory. This is because bad character can cause a terrible downfall not only to a person but to all who know them.

We must pursue knowing God and His word.

The second reason we don't see the manifestation of that glory is because we don't do what Jesus did.

We preach, we teach, we advise but we don't do much as Jesus did. Jesus was praying for the blind man. Therefore, the blind man got his sight, God's glory was manifested.

Jesus was with Lazarus at the tomb and Jesus called him out and Lazarus came out alive again, God's glory was manifested.

If we keep doing what Jesus was doing, we will see the manifestation of His glory before us.

Let us walk in the glory and power of Jesus that is sealed in us through His blood, His word and His Spirit.


Ps Ambrose


Exodus 40:34 NKJV


Colossians 3:5 NKJV