I Corinthians 11:1 NKJV
Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.
I Corinthians 11:1 NKJV
Paul lived an exemplary life to the best of his ability. By the power and the grace of God, he was able to walk by faith and not by the things that are around him.
This is an important statement that Paul made to everyone who believed in Jesus.
The world needs imitators of Christ so that we can carry the glory of God from generations to generations to come.
When Paul says imitate me, he means to live a life that is not of his own but to be living the image of God to the world.
This is not about duplicating our leaders but about living the life of Jesus in total obedience and surrender.
It is to be Jesus in the world, in our actions and in our choices daily. It is about setting others above ourselves and serving one another in God's unconditional love as Jesus did for us.
God's desire is not for us to keep the ceremonies but God's desire is for us to keep living in Jesus all the days of our lives.
It is important that we all reflect, exalt and spread Jesus Christ, Son of the living God in every area of our lives.
For we are an exact representation of Christ in the world and to the world.
Therefore, let us not downgrade ourselves to any other image but embrace the image of God and display His likeness.
Let us keep our eyes, heart and mind on Jesus and display His glory and power everyday through our lives.
Ambrose Francis